Identify Yourself, Make Yourself


Culture your body through asanas, your mind through thoughts, your intellect through wisdom, your soul through Inner Culture.

Astanga Yoga

Ashta – eight, Anga – limbs is an 8 fold path to self emancipation. Through the practice and discussion behind the science  of the 8 limbs of yoga one gains overall stability of the body and mind.

Ayur Yoga

Through special sessions on food culture and exercises based on one’s prakriti (nature) to balance the 3 doshas, we try to bring an equilibrium in mental and physical constitution of oneself.

Buddhi Yoga

Buddhi is not just the ability to think. It is the ability to reason the thought itself. Healthy intellect is the source of wisdom and clarity. Sessions on this help to culture and empower the intellect.

Bhakti Yoga

Bhakti Yoga is the art of nourishing one’s emotions through love and devotion. Through selfless love, one can gain heightened experiences. We conduct sessions to culture our emotions.